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[NEWS] Les Playlists des radios de GTA disponibles sur Spotify et iTunes

Publié par dark-messiah sur 12 Avril 2013, 17:20pm

Catégories : #NEWS



Ceux qui ont passé de longues heures dans les différents épisodes de Grand Theft Auto ont forcément gardé une musique en tête sans forcément en savoir le titre.

Bonne nouvelle, les playlists de Grand Theft Auto IV, Episodes from Liberty City, San Andreas, Vice City, GTAIII et  Chinatown Wars sont disponibles sur Spotify et iTunes

Grand Theft Auto IV & Episodes from Liberty City

The Beat 102.7 Spotify iTunes
The Classics 104.1 Spotify iTunes
Electro-Choc Spotify iTunes
Fusion FM Spotify iTunes
IF 99 Spotify iTunes
The Journey Spotify iTunes
JNR Jazz Nation Radio Spotify iTunes
K109 The Studio Spotify iTunes
L.C.H.C - Liberty City Hardcore Spotify iTunes
Liberty Rock Radio 97.8 Spotify iTunes
Massive B Soundsystem 96.9 Spotify iTunes
Radio Broker Spotify iTunes
RamJam FM Spotify iTunes
San Juan Sounds Spotify iTunes
Self-Actualization FM Spotify iTunes
Tuff Gong Radio Spotify iTunes
The Vibe 98.8 Spotify iTunes
Vice City FM Spotify iTunes
Vladivostok FM Spotify iTunes

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Bounce FM Spotify iTunes
CSR-103.9 Spotify iTunes
K-DST Spotify iTunes
K-Jah West Spotify iTunes
K-Rose Spotify iTunes
Master Sounds 98.3 Spotify iTunes
Playback FM Spotify iTunes
Radio Los Santos Spotify iTunes
Radio X Spotify iTunes
SF-UR Spotify iTunes

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Emotion 98.3 Spotify iTunes
Fever 105 Spotify iTunes
Flash FM Spotify iTunes
Radio Espantoso Spotify iTunes
V-Rock Spotify iTunes
Wave 103 Spotify iTunes
Wildstyle Pirate Radio Spotify iTunes

Grand Theft Auto III

Double Cleff FM Spotify iTunes
Flashback 95.6 Spotify iTunes
Game Radio FM Spotify iTunes
Head Radio Spotify iTunes
K-Jah Spotify  
Lips 106 Spotify iTunes
MSX FM   iTunes

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

Double Cleff FM Spotify iTunes
Flashback FM Spotify iTunes
Head Radio Spotify iTunes
K-Jah Spotify iTunes
The Liberty Jam Spotify iTunes
Lips 106 Spotify iTunes
MSX 98 Spotify iTunes
Rise FM Spotify iTunes
Radio Del Mundo Spotify iTunes

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

Emotion 98.3 Spotify iTunes
Espantoso Spotify iTunes
Flash FM Spotify iTunes
Fresh 105 FM Spotify iTunes
Paradise FM Spotify iTunes
VCFL Spotify iTunes
V-Rock Spotify iTunes
The Wave 103 Spotify iTunes

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Anvil Spotify iTunes
Deadmau5 Spotify iTunes
DFA Spotify iTunes
Prarie Cartel Spotify iTunes
SinoWav FM Spotify iTunes
Ticklah Spotify iTunes
Tortoise Spotify iTunes
Truth & Soul Spotify iTunes
Turntables on the Hudson Spotify iTunes

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